240 blogs later!
I have been on blogger.com for quite some time but I need to have a little more room so I am officially closing the Morning Star. A little too restrictive and not-at-all Mac friendly. She has been good to me though so I leave with no ill will.
On to my new mistress -
Belligerent Man
Quite a bit more wiggle room and a few nifty toys to play with.
Thank you for the patronage to the Morning Star for the last few years though and please come by the new digs as I think it will be a little pissier and better (same thing in my world).
Good bye and remember.....Rock out, with your cock out.
Simple & Simple
1. Hummingbirds are fucking amazing to watch up close. To watch them just hover in the same area for 20 seconds and then move swiftly in one direction is impressive to say the least. Also to be able to hear their wings beating furiously to the point you can hear then 20-25 feet away is slick.
2. Jackass the movie is fucking hilarious. I never much got into these idiots but holy shit the movie is to die for. The stones these guys lack in the head are clearly made up for in their testes. Bravo.
Simple things, simple pleasures when you slow down a bit.
2. Jackass the movie is fucking hilarious. I never much got into these idiots but holy shit the movie is to die for. The stones these guys lack in the head are clearly made up for in their testes. Bravo.
Simple things, simple pleasures when you slow down a bit.
Do I Like Golf
The quick answer is, I Don’t Know. I have been golfing since I was 16 and still have not made up my mind on this so-called sport.
Yesterday was my first time out this season and I golfed 18 holes (Best ball) with seven other fellows. My team shot a 90 and I would say I was an equal 50/50 contributor and I was more pleased with my play than I have been in the last 2-3 years. I seemed to be able to focus a little better and slow myself down enough not too rush or over-swing nearly as much as I used to. I then golfed another 9 holes the following day with almost the same results (Decent play, not a 90).
That being said; did I enjoy myself more because I played ok? I do not know. However, I would like to go out and play 18 with my wife in the next couple weeks once we get a babysitter in place as that would be a truer test to see if my enjoyment level is rising. On the other hand if you have to ask yourself a question the answer is normally evident.
Yesterday was my first time out this season and I golfed 18 holes (Best ball) with seven other fellows. My team shot a 90 and I would say I was an equal 50/50 contributor and I was more pleased with my play than I have been in the last 2-3 years. I seemed to be able to focus a little better and slow myself down enough not too rush or over-swing nearly as much as I used to. I then golfed another 9 holes the following day with almost the same results (Decent play, not a 90).
That being said; did I enjoy myself more because I played ok? I do not know. However, I would like to go out and play 18 with my wife in the next couple weeks once we get a babysitter in place as that would be a truer test to see if my enjoyment level is rising. On the other hand if you have to ask yourself a question the answer is normally evident.
25+ Years Of Being With Jackasses

I am staying at a buddy’s cabin this week along with 7 other guys. Most of them are childhood friends and it is truly amazing that the old statement applies -
“The friends whom you skin your knees with are the only friends that really matter in life”
I know plenty of other folks and some I might even call friends but none are on the same level as these guys. Their stories are funnier, their lives seem more meaningful and overall they are just more interesting. I know nostalgia is a strong force but their must be something more to it than that.
I have been meaning to mention this for the last few months but just have not gotten around to it. The Motorola RZR phone really sucks. I have no idea how this became such a hot phone. Sure it is thin but it has the worst interface I have seen on a phone, the volume is crazy low no matter what and it really serves no other potential purpose other tan being a phone.
I would trade one of my kidney's right now for the old Nokia. The phone might have been basic and all but it worked better than anything I have had in the last 3 years. I hope to god the Iphone is as good as advertised as I need a cell phone savior right now.
Otherwise look for me to revert back to a bag phone next.
I would trade one of my kidney's right now for the old Nokia. The phone might have been basic and all but it worked better than anything I have had in the last 3 years. I hope to god the Iphone is as good as advertised as I need a cell phone savior right now.
Otherwise look for me to revert back to a bag phone next.
Random Photos
Deng Xiaoping, the de facto leader of China from the late 70's through the early 90's. He created the 2nd generation of Chinese leaders and introduced the concept of the socialist market economy to the world. He is responsible for the economic power that China has today and also is the god father to the Shenzhen Special Administrative Region (his concept). He is everywhere here.
Good luck guessing what this sign means at a surprisingly beautiful park in Guangzhou.
No trumpets allowed! How dare those bastards.
A very, very large statue of Deng Xiaoping overlooking the city and more importantly the provincial government building. Impressive indeed.
Should have more photos to post in the next few weeks especially as I might be back in a few weeks.
End Of An Era....Felice o Triste
Today my youngest daughter started to crawl. She is not ready to enter the Boston Marathon but she is mobile. I am as proud as I am happy but what does this mean? Will I ever go through the first baby stages ever again? Will I ever feel the joy and frustration that is the first months with a baby with no mobility? Did I enjoy it and take advantage of it as much as possible?
I don't know and I don't know how that makes me feel. I am done with infants forever?
Catholic guilt is one thing but this is crazy.
I don't know and I don't know how that makes me feel. I am done with infants forever?
Catholic guilt is one thing but this is crazy.

Memo to Purell and McCarran International Airport - Do Not Dick Tease Me Again, Ever. Fuckers.
Not My Thing
A list of a few items which I would consider "not my thing" -
- Pulling Weeds
- Horror Movies
- Mini Bags of Popcorn
- WSCR Chicago (670am)
- Current Rap
- Designers Without Purpose (aka 90%)
And right now Garage Sales. I will let you guess what we have this weekend. Ugh.
- Pulling Weeds
- Horror Movies
- Mini Bags of Popcorn
- WSCR Chicago (670am)
- Current Rap
- Designers Without Purpose (aka 90%)
And right now Garage Sales. I will let you guess what we have this weekend. Ugh.
Not For Me

Count Me Out
Plus What?

ATLANTA, March 22, 2007 – Coca-Cola North America today announced it will launch Diet Coke Plus™, a sparkling, calorie-free beverage with vitamins and minerals. In addition to providing great, refreshing taste, Diet Coke Plus is a good source of vitamins B3, B6, and B12, and the minerals zinc and magnesium.
Diet Coke Plus will be available throughout the U.S. in April in retail stores where other Diet Coke products are sold.
“Consumers, including Diet Coke drinkers, are increasingly looking for more beverage options, and we wanted to offer them the convenience of a calorie-free beverage that is a good source of several essential vitamins and minerals, and one that delivers on the great taste that they have come to expect from us,” said Katie Bayne, senior vice president, Coca-Cola Brands, Coca-Cola North America.
Each eight-ounce serving of Diet Coke Plus provides a good source of Niacin (vitamin B3), vitamins B6 and B12, zinc and magnesium (15% Daily Value [DV] for Niacin, B6 and B12, 10% DV for zinc and magnesium).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That is the official word. I substituted my first 2 Diet Coke's this morning with Diet Coke Plus (This after a 4 shot americano) and I can say it is not bad. I question any benefits, but it did not taste like shit and at least they seem to get the fact that Diet Coke drinkers LIKE the taste of Diet Coke and are not looking for the taste of Coca-Cola. Kudos to them on that point. Try one yourself and let me know how fit you feel. Maybe it have it with a Big Mac as well.
Anticipation Multiplied
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." - Charles Bukowski, From "Betting on the Muse" (1920 - 1994).
Unbreakable: A Retrospective - The Afghan Whigs, Released June 5, 2007.. Molto, Molto, Molto di valore (Very, Very, Very Worthwhile)

New Fire
After a much deserved nap yesterday - I think my first nap in 25 years - I am back in life with a new fire in my belly. I just need to learn to pace a lot better and keep the old Catholic guilt in check when I am slightly inactive.
In the meantime, do you know who Domo-Kun is?
I ran into my buddy about 7 years ago while shopping in the Akihabara ("Electric Town") neighborhood of Tokyo, Japan. I could go into a long story about what I thought he was but in short I just thought he looked slick and he made a great sound as well. It turns out he is the official mascot of Japan's NHK television station and appears in a bunch of stop-motion sketches used as station id's. Basically, if you have kids or any interest in sqaure brown creatures, you should check out his full bio at the official site of Domo-Kun and friends for more information.
In addition, to buy some great things of his check out the Official Store as nothing says I love you or Happy Mothers Day better than a nice 15" Domo-Kun doll.
In the meantime, do you know who Domo-Kun is?

I ran into my buddy about 7 years ago while shopping in the Akihabara ("Electric Town") neighborhood of Tokyo, Japan. I could go into a long story about what I thought he was but in short I just thought he looked slick and he made a great sound as well. It turns out he is the official mascot of Japan's NHK television station and appears in a bunch of stop-motion sketches used as station id's. Basically, if you have kids or any interest in sqaure brown creatures, you should check out his full bio at the official site of Domo-Kun and friends for more information.
In addition, to buy some great things of his check out the Official Store as nothing says I love you or Happy Mothers Day better than a nice 15" Domo-Kun doll.

Am I really going to pay for this thing? Yes.
Molto Occupato!

I should be back up a little more as of Friday and will try to have full coverage of the DLH vs. Mayweather fight on Saturday. I also have some pent up book, music and political rants.
And by the way. To those of you here for the wrong reasons..lets maybe call a truce and just go on about our lives. Just a thought but your call.
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